ImageGear Professional v18.2 > User Guide > Using ImageGear > Optical Character Recognition > Working with the ImageGear Recognition Component > Distributing Recognition Engine Files with Your Application > Distributing Recognition Engine Files for the Formatted Output Feature |
These files can be found under dll\Bin\Resource\Recognition and should be distributed to a subdirectory …\Resource\Recognition\ under the directory containing the recognition component dll.
Files needed for performing formatted output:
AppDomainLoader.dll |
AppHelper.dll |
AppProductConfig.dll |
AppUtils.dll |
atm2lll.dll |
ConvSettings.sts |
Defaults.dll |
DocXConv.dlc |
DocXManagedWrapper.dll |
ExcelCnv.dlc |
ExcelXCnv.dlc |
ExcelXManagedWrapper.dll |
Formatter.dll |
HTMLCnv.dlc |
IF_PNG.dll |
InfoPathConv.dlc |
IPP_OmniPage.dlm |
LecsoMgr.dll |
LecsoX.OXML.Converters.PresentationML.dll |
LecsoX.OXML.Converters.SpreadSheetML.dll |
LecsoX.OXML.Converters.WordProcessingML.dll |
LEditor.dll |
ME_ConverterMgr.dlm |
ME_D2D.dlm |
ME_DocMgr.dlm |
ME_WFAssist.dlm |
ME_WFMgr.dlm |
ME_WFView.dlm |
MiddleEarth.dll |
MorIF.dll |
PPTXConv.dlc |
PPTXManagedWrapper.dll |
PreRendering.dll |
RecAPIPlus.dll |
Recogn.bct |
Recogn24.bct |
Rendering.dll |
Rendering2.dll |
RtfConv.dlc |
SkinnedClasses.dll |
SkinnedWindows.dll |
ssdoc-schema2.xml |
TxtConv.dlc |
WM_OPActions.dlm |
WM_OPSteps.dlm |
WM_OPUIActions.dlm |
WordMLConv.dlc |
WPCnv.dlc |
XMLConv.dlc |